Third-Party Reproduction

AW: AF! ET Calendar! YAY!

Hi all! :)

I wanted to report....AF graced me with her presence this morning, 4w6d post D&E after our 16w loss. Needless to say few would rejoice for getting their period on their honeymoon, but I must say I did! And to get her back at ~5 weeks is about as good as it gets.

I immediately emailed my IVF nurse and she was so great - knowing how anxious we are to get going - she got me my calendar today! Assuming all else goes to plan (my first round was like clockwork and I did get pregnant) - we are set for ET on my birthday! June 11!

Just wanted to share the happy news. I feel like we can really get ready now, and like it's real that we are truly getting to move forward after our loss. :) We meet with the MFM doc on Monday to get results from our fetal and maternal post-loss testing, but aren't expecting anything huge to come of that.

Thanks for the A in AW! :)

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