San Diego Babies

We're moving to San Diego, please Help!

Hi there, we're from Oregon and moving to the San Diego Area. DH just got a job in Poway and starts in about 3 weeks. I'm freaking out but super excited. I've never lived anywhere outside of the Portland metro area. I'm a stay at home mom with three kiddos, ages 5, 3 and 3 months. We need to find a place to live (he'll be staying with family until we get an apartment or something). We're interested in possibly building a house but need recommendations for builders and realtors to buy some property. And apartment/rental rec's for the interim. Poway looks SO expensive. Any recommendations for the outlying areas that might be more affordable AND that are in a good school district? I'm so lost, I've never even been to San Diego before! We'll need Dr.'s Dentists, a salon that can handle the kiddos. Park recommendations etc. Are there any Mom's Clubs that  you would recommend? We also need a church, Christian and non-denominational preferred but if its Christian and super fun with a great children's program we're game :) Please don't hold back and shoot me any/all advice you've got. I need it! TIA!
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