
update on my family (with pic)

Hey!  I posted a few months back that we were adopting a teenage boy, well about a month ago we went to court and made it official!  It honestly has been amazing. He fits our family so well, and we fit him. I hate that he had a crappy life, but I am so grateful he has a family now, and we have him. We feel so blessed!

He is a really stellar kid in spite of a difficult life, but we are definitely helping him to hash out some really hard issues and he is getting counseling, which I know will be/is so good for him. He graduates HS in a month and is enrolled in the college in our town in the fall.  We couldn't be more proud of him!

Our other kids adore him, and he adores them. I get so teary eyed thinking in just a few months I will have 4 kids.  I wondered how we would ever have a big family when just trying for one was so hard, but everything in God's timing Big Smile

I added a new pic to my siggy of my freaking adorable kids!  I read the board often, but have a heck of a time replying from my iphone, but just know I am always keeping up on you ladies even if I can't post often!

Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
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