Baby Showers

Shower Politics: Vent...Opinions Welcome

I hate the politics of showers!!!! Okay so we all know that showers are a gift from the person offering them, but here is the challenging part...

 So my mom and SIL are hosting a shower for me. They have asked me to assist in putting together the guest list. They have made it clear that I am welcome to invite some friends and other close family members from my husband's side.

My MIL has been very wishy washy on things. For example, she has mentioned to my husband that maybe she would like to host a small shower for HER family, but has also made it clear she would like to come to my "bigger" shower and that I should also invite my SIL from that side as well as all of my nieces. Well, I don't see her stepping up to offer with my "bigger" shower or get involved with that one so why should she be invited especially since I don't forsee her inviting my mom and SIL from my side of the family to her side's shower. It just pisses me off that she wants to make these requests when she is not offering to help or or show interest in being my mom is completely broke (I posted about how broke my mom is in a previous post.) My mom didn't volunteer to host the 'bigger' shower it just happened that way because she took the initiative.

Please give me some thoughts on this....

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