TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Hello, may I join you?

Hi everyone.  I was wondering if I may join you over here?

Yesterday marked 7 months since we lost our son at 20 weeks.  I started lurking on TTCAL about a week later and have been an active poster for just over six months now. 

I'm 41 and DH is 42.  I went through IVF with my first husband which resulted in a BFN and a diagnosis of "get a dog" because you can't get pg. Said dog is in my sig.  DH and I have were married in July 2011 and got a very surprising BFP the following June.  After having the most boring pg ever, I went into PTL a week after our anatomy scan.  The PTL was blamed on a placental abruption.  We were cleared to TTC after one cycle and got a BFP two cycles after that.  That ended in a CP that basically let us know that I actually could get pg again.  That loss was followed by another BFP, wonky-beta hell and a loss at 9 weeks.  

I have an amazing OB, MFM, and RE who are all trying to work on a plan going forward.  I started RPL testing yesterday and am waiting for the results.  I'm on CD1 and will have more testing done this week (as soon as I call the RE's nurse) and an HSG next week.

On the non-TTCAL side:   I graduate from law school on 5/18 and am taking the Bar in AZ in July.  DH and I will be relocating to TN in September due to his job and I will take the TN Bar in February. Apparently, I am a gluten for punishment. Smile

Thank you for reading this and I come with goodies:





Zachary Donald born 9/22/2012 at 20 weeks. You will forever be in our heart.
A miracle is what seems impossible but happens anyways
BFP#1 06/08/2012 EDD 02/07/2013, born 09/22/2012 PTL due to placental abruption
BFP#2 12/21/2012 EDD 08/27/2013, CP@4w6d
BFP#3 01/21/2013 EDD 10/02/2013, 7 betas, 3 u/s, confirmed not viable. M/C 02/26/2013
***PgAL/PAL Always Welcome***
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