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baby dry problems

I want to start off by saying that I am a very loyal Pampers costumer, and not one to complain about a product. I usually cut my loses and leave it as a lesson learned, but diapers are expensive and there is a certain standard that comes with the Pampers brand that I expect. 

When my son moved to his nursery and started sleeping 7-8 hours (woohooo) a night, I decided it was time to get a diaper that would hold up to the long hours with no changing. Since I am so gung-ho with Pampers I picked up a case of Baby Dry 12 hour protection.

-- In retro-spect, I should have gotten a bag, not a case, but again I trusted the Pamper brand.

I fed him, got him ready for bed, put the Baby Dry on and off he went to dream land at 9. By 2 I heard him stirring in his crib, went in to discover he was DRENCHED! Change baby, change dry pad, feed baby, and back to bed. Then by 7 he was soaked again. This went on for three nights. I wanted to make sure it wasnt a one time thing. It was not.

Needless to say, I am very dissapointed in the Baby Dry and will be shopping around for another over night diaper.

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