Food & Nutrition

vegan babies?

Hubby and I have been lacto-ovo veg for two years and I was pescaterian for eight years prior. The munchkin (Phia, 11 months) and my tanking milk supply have decided to ween without any input from me while hubby and I are moving towards more of a vegan diet.

I need some ideas for cow milk alternatives as well as balanced vegan diets for the baby. Thus far she has been open to tasting, and liking, a whole variety of veg foods, including humus, curried vegetables, felafel, and various fruits/veggies. I'm mostly worried about the best non-dairy milk choices but I also want to make sure she is getting a balanced diet. I would have no problem if she got some lacto-ovo foods if it's healthier but would prefer minimal dairy products.

TIA for ideas and suggestions.

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