3rd Trimester

First time question

I know everyone has a different experience, but I am hoping you all can help me out. I am 36 weeks (37 on thursday). I lost my plug during week 35 and the baby dropped really low the week before. He has been measuring about 2-3 cm bigger than the expected measurement ever since the second trimester. I have got really uncomfortable since week 34 and when I went in for my 36 week appointment the Dr was surprised when she examined me because she could already feel the head down there and I was effaced (didn't give me a number) and dilated 2cm. She said that she would not expect me to last any more than a week to week and a half if not sooner. My braxtons have become a lot more frequent but ever since last night I have been getting what feels like light period cramps sporadically. I had them every few hours during the day and just had two in the last hour. They seem to last longer than a contraction is supposed to. I also have been feeling a lot of pressure on my rear off and on today. Has anyone else had these cramps? Are they the beginning of the real thing? I am just puzzled since they have been spaced apart so far and last more than one minute ( more like 2-3). Thanks for your input!
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