3rd Trimester

I need to vent...

FTM at 38 weeks, 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced, -1 station, lost my plug a week ago. Feeling TONS of braxton hicks, cramping, sharp vagina pains.  It feels like I road a bike with a terrible bike seat for hrs.  I am also feeling nauseous.  My midwife said it could be any day but at the same time it could be weeks.  One never really knows. I am starting to feel really uncomfortable and super moody.  I am crying all the time. I know that the baby will come when he/she wants to and I trust that, but i am also feeling very emotionally drained and feeling every emotion under the sun. Excited, impatient, scared, sad, tired, and happy.  I'm slightly type A so the idea that i can't really do much about this situation bugs me.  I guess i could start trying different ways to induce labor which would make me feel like i was doing something to better my situation but I am worried it might be too soon to start that.  

Thoughts and encouragement are needed and welcomed.  Thanks :) 

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