3rd Trimester


My husband, son and I went to dinner on saturday night with my sister and her fiance. Her fiance brought a friend with who sat across from me. During conversation, he mentioned that he had MRSA, has been on antibiotics for a week and said he didnt feel any of the symptoms. He said it all started when he found a cyst on his tailbone and it was infected. 

Therewasn't any food shared or utensils, but there was a checkerboard with chips on the table, which we were all playing with. He wasn't coughing or sneezing, and even was sitting on a stadium cushion. I feel like he was trying to be respectful. He said his doctor gave him the green light to work and be around people. He is a substitute teacher at my husband's high school. He is 24 years old and also coaches softball for young adult males. 

I called my ob-gyn and spoke to an oncall nurse who reassured me that we didnt have close contact or long enough contact for us to get MRSA. My husband and I are freaking out because my sister and her fiance hung out with this kid all night at their house and he even rode in her fiances car.

 My sister wants to be at the hospital when ds2 is born, I am supposed to be induced wednesday morning at 6am. I havent told her about the induction because she will flip a lid if I mention what is bothering us. Her and her fiance are the type of people who will still hang out with their friends if they are sick, like the flu or anything where they really shouldn't be around other people. My husband and I are complete different from them. If you are sick, stay away from others, stay home and get yourself better. She doesnt care. I am torn because I would love for her to be there, but my husband, two sons and my health are more important. I have a call


in to my son's pediatrician and will see what they advise. I am also going to put a call into my primary care physician's office too. My question is: do you think that getting a nasal MRSA swab done today for my husband and 3 1/2 year old son today or tomorrow is overreacting? If the pediatrician and pcp say to do so, I will. I am going to request one on wednesday. What about my sister and his fiance? I feel like that is a bit much, but they will want to be around my newborn. Im just trying to protect my family. I did research on MRSA, I just want other opinions. Im sorry this was long. TIA!

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