3rd Trimester

Should I say something to DH or not?

Tell me if I am overreacting and being overly sensitive or not. DH is a resident. He works really long hours, and often goes several days at a time without seeing DD, and when he does see her its only for a short time at most. During times when he's that busy I really prioritize having DD talk to him on the phone, especially during bedtime. I think its important for her to at least REMEMBER that he's part of our day even if he's not home. Right now DH has DD on a 5 day trip to my inlaws out of state. I have immediately noticed a marked difference in her brattiness on the phone, and DH will say he will call at a certain time and will forget, or will just not think to prioritize having DD speak to to me on the phone. Then, when I have called, he'll say "DD, come talk to mommy" and she'll be like "No, I am playing with the toys, piano, etc..." and my MIL will be like, "okay, piano time!". Overall, my feelings are hurt that he just doesn't seem to even think of it being a priority that she speak to me when she will be gone from home for 5 days. Should I mention my hurt feelings to DH or am I being too sensitive? 
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