Trouble TTC

IUI: a few Qs.

For those who've had an IUI--or are planning to and have an opinion!--I was wondering:

1. For those who have taken an HCG Trigger: If you're instructed to use OPKs*, do you use them up until HCG trigger but not after?

2. When did you start drinking the ~32oz of liquid? 

3. How uncomfortable/painful/painless was your IUI? Did you take a painkiller ahead of time? Wish you had?

4. Did you take the day off? Plan to? Wish you had? Wish you hadn't?

5. When did you resume normal workouts? 

6. If you tested out the trigger, did you start immediately after the IUI?**


*NOTE: My RE does do ultrasounds and bloodwork mid-cycle; OPKs are simply supplemental. 

**NOTE#2: I've got 9 hpt that will expire on 4/30, so even if you didn't test out the trigger, if you want to suggest when I should start to most effectively use these tests, I'd be curious to hear opinions.

ETA: Liquid: I was told I needed to have a full bladder (it helps "flatten" out the uterus so the catheter can reach the correct place). I guess I should have written water so it sounded less weird!  

TTC #1 since Oct. 2010. Tests normal.


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