Parenting after 35

going from 3 to 4 kids....

Adding a 4th kid to the family is all I can think about lately since the window to do so is fading to keep them all close in age. Currently we have 3 girls ages 5, 3 and 1. I can easily rationalize both, having another and being content with the 3 healthy kids we have!! But, I don't want to regret in a few years not having one more. I never felt as if the baby was my last. Financially, space, etc, we're good for another one. but the thought of being pregnant with 3 kids that need so much scares me much less nursing and newborn needs... ugh. decisions!!! 

Those with 4 or more, what was/is the biggest challenge?  

Married my best friend on 5/14/05 Bits 2/08 and Biscuit 10/09 and Boss via c/s coming 2/22/12
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