3rd Trimester

labor soon?

At my 38 wk checkup on Wed found out i was 4cm dilated.Later that night dh and i went to L&D cuz my MIL believed and insisted that i should go because the third time around baby comes "fast" although my contractions were like 8-10 mins apart.I was monitored for around 3 hrs didnt dilate anymore but im around 50 percent effaced now.Dr said dont be surprised if i come back yesterday or today.The baby however is still really high up actually very uncomfortable in my ribs.I am just wonder if i would probably go in labor soon im  thinking on Sat.I am having some cramping and spotting i think from being checked and contractions but nothing regular.i plan on walking today to try and get the baby to drop alittle. Any ladies at or around 4cm ?
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