Attachment Parenting

XP: Comfort Nursing All Night

I posted this on the BFing board but thought this one would have some insight as well.

DD is 4.5 months old and bed shares with us for the most part. She starts out the night by going to bed in her co sleeper but wakes up usually right as I am about to go to sleep to nurse. I nurse her laying down in bed. She used to nurse and then accept a pacifier and go back to sleep only waking a few times a night but for the past few weeks she wants to comfort nurse all night. She won't take the paci at night, only during the day. If I try to give it to her after she us done nursing at night she will thrash her head until she gets to latch back on. She is not actively sucking so I know she is full, she just wants to use me for a paci. I normally wouldn't mind but I am not getting very much sleep at all! Help! Is this a phase or am I doing something to teach her that this is ok? I practice attachment parenting and want to soothe her when I can but I also want sleep so I can be a better mommy to her during the day! Anyone else go through this?
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