3rd Trimester

people suck

When I got pregnant I was very petite, and I have gained exactly 27 pounds and am 32 weeks.  I have kept a food journal, made sure to eat 80% healthy/clean, and have worked out throughout my entire pregnancy.  

However, even though my doctor is fine with my rate of gain, even though I don't have GD, and my blood pressure is low, everyone seems to think it's hilarious to comment about how "huge" I've gotten and it's making me extremely depressed.  There is one guy at my department and everytime he sees me he says "Jeeze, Lily lay off the pizza!" or "so much for that athletic figure you used to have!"  Other people aren't as mean, but they say things like "this must be so hard for you having gained so much weight" but the scale DOESN'T say I've gained too much weight.  

Is there anything I can do?  I've still got two months to go and it's just getting worse.  I don't know what to do because if I speak out or speak up that "hey that's really rude" people are going to say I'm just starting drama because of pregnancy hormones (which makes the whole thing worse).

Thanks for listening.

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