3rd Trimester

vent bad day

So a few things. Of course we get doctor bills and me being 30 weeks pregnant we are bound to get more. Me as in my husband and I. Everytime we get one my husband gets upset at me. He blames me because I go to the doctor. We had a couple issues in this pregnancy and had to get special care at some points. But im the only one working and my husband is looking for a new job. So it's frustrating me that im to blame for everything. Im just unsure how to handle it. Today no matter what I did I was wrong or he gave me attitude. Im just lost why he wants mw to feel guilty or bad for bills or in general. A women from my church through me a baby shower today. Such a sweet old lady and I get in trouble for wanting to put stuff away. I tried to show them what we got he said dont show him. He was playing foot ball on Xbox. Im just so overwhelmed. We are in marriage counseling and it is our first year of marriage. Im just not sure how to handle all this emotionally anymore. Any suggestions? Don't get me wrong I love him, I understand he's stressed not having a job right now has been really hard on him but I can't be blamed for everything that goes wrong.
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