3rd Trimester

Workin' 9 to 5!

I don't qualify for FMLA at my new job until July and LO is coming at the end of May/early June. Sooooo i'm just hoarding comp time and vacation days so I can have about 4 weeks off with baby, which I've come to terms with. Have any of you ladies who are working up until go time found that you have mentally checked out? I mean, i'm at 32 weeks this week and I feel like I have ADHD! I'm not physically uncomfortable, but my mind is a thousand other places, and work is not one of them : Eep! I've gotta get my head on straight!
Dx with PCOS in 2004; TTC #1 since 2006. 6 failed rounds of Clomid, 1 failed round of injectibles, innumerable failed cycles of herbs, accupuncture, etc. FINALLY got BFP on 10/4/2012 after 2 rounds of Femara Can't wait to be a mommy! Pregnancy Ticker
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