3rd Trimester

RCS Moms: July Concert Question

I don't technically "belong" on this board till next week, so I hope you don't kick me out! Humor me with this question, I know it's not of the utmost importance...

LO is due July 13th and apparently I have to have a c-section this time due to traumatic birth of last baby (Big Baby, tiny pelvis, well too tiny for 10 lb, 6oz). Anyway, the earliest my doc schedules c-sections is 39 wks which would be July 6th. However, with my other two I went into labor at 37 wks (second was due to pre-E). So, hopefully we are looking at 6/22 or within a few days after that. I know all pregnancies are different, but a girl's gotta hope!

The question is this, Paul McCartney just announced he's playing Miller Park on July 16th. Potentially that could be a little more than three weeks after the c-section, or 10 days after. Based on your experience, recovery-wise, is this even doable? I know what to expect from a vaginal birth, but have no clue about sections. I know everyone recovers differently, and I do have a very high pain tolerance, but what do you think? McCartney does not tour around here very often and I'd hate to miss it...tickets go on sale Friday, so I need to decide sooner than later.

Thanks in advance for your advice (if it helps, I am already skipping Tom Petty and the Violent Femmes at Summerfest, two of my top faves, due to being too pregnant or just days from giving birth).

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