3rd Trimester

Need some advice...

 I had a co-worker acquaintance that I used to work with, and she suffered the loss of her baby girl a year ago- just 3 weeks before she was due. I remember the day the baby was delivered via C-section, it was April 17th. I would like to reach out to her to let her know I am thinking about her ect. I can go into her work, or send her something over facebook, as I don't have her phone number, or her home address.

I am curious if this would be okay to do? I know those emotions are raw still, and there is nothing anyone can do or say to make things better, I just want her to know that I am thinking of her, and I am still deeply sorry for the loss she has suffered.

I am not sure if I should have some flowers delivered to work, as she works in customer service, because I would hate for her day to be saddened even more, and not being able to function at work. She might just take that day off to stay at home, I don't know.

Or I was thinking of just sending her a quick "I'm thinking of you today" message over facebook.

I want to be very respectful, and want to keep it as sweet as possible, and really wish I could send my condolences in a more private way, but since I can't....still would like to tell her I am thinking of her.

Can any of you ladies give me some suggestions on how to approach this, if at all?



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