Scared to be optimistic!


My husband and I have been down the IUI rode several times and at the time of each procedure his SA has returned so low that a BFP has always been unlikely.

Today we completed our fourth IUI attempt in 2 years and I have to say they were our best numbers yet. Great big follicles and pure evidence that my husband on Clomid has really benefited us. His postwash numbers were 14M with 70% mobility which is huge considering all of our previous attempts were less than 3% mobility and under 10M.

I am so excited about our chances this go around, but scared all at the same time to be excited because of the disappointment this could bring.

Glad I have a board like this to voice my success before success if you will, at least we are finally on the right track anyway!!!

And so the 2ww of torture begins!!!!