Third-Party Reproduction


So excited - we transferred two beautiful, 8 cell, highest grade embryos today. We have 2 more that are growing & will hopefully freeze in a few days. Now for my 2ww - patience will be difficult! Hope you all had an amazing weekend!
Me:36 (Diminished Ovarian Reserve 0.56), DH: 38 (Normal) TTC #1 since Fall 2010 7 rounds of Clomid = BFN IUI #1 Nov 2011 (Letrozole) - BFN IUI #2 Jan 2012 (Clomid) - BFN March 2012 IVF (Micro Lupron + Menopur + Gonal F) 4ER,2F, 2 transferred - 2ww is the worst Hope is the thing with feathers - that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all - (Emily Dickinson)
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