
Visitors on day of c-section

I haven't posted on this board before, although I do lurk quite a bit.  I have a c-section scheduled in a couple of weeks.  Both my family and DH's family are out of town (my family is 2 hours away, his family is on the other side of the country).  Assuming that I make it to my scheduled date, how did you all feel about having visitors that same day as your section?  Is it totally do-able or overwhelming?  Any thoughts or advice are greatly appreciated.  TIA!
*~*~*~* PgAL March Siggy Challenge *~*~*~*
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BFP #1: 1/10/12; EDD: 9/20/12, born too early on 5/7/12 (20w4d) due to IC/PTL/chorioamnionitis.
BFP #2: 8/30/12; EDD: 5/9/13, emergency cerclage placed at 22w5d, dx cardiomyopathy, strict bed rest since 22 weeks

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers <a href="http://s1091.photobucket.com/albums/i390/tlneff0108/?action=view
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