
Cute lunch check-in

This was not my finest week in lunch-making but for the first time in a long time, DD finished most or all of her lunch every single day!

Happy! I broke out one of my favorite boxes for this lunch. The bottom tier has strawberries. The top holds homemade sealed PB/honey sandwiches, a few grapes, decorated Babybel cheese and a box of raisins with a note "from baby sister."

Leftovers! DD raved about dinner and requested leftovers for lunch - shocking! Top left holds (per her request) iceberg lettuce and ranch dressing with a fun new cocktail fork. Next are grapes, tomatoes and leftover kielbasa on a pick. The last container holds alternating Wheat Thins and Cheddar cheese with a few pieces of dried mango.

Koalas! The sealed sandwich has chocolate chip and chocolate almond accents - I PPH the nose! There's also strawberries, tomatoes and grapes kind of strewn about. Also, some honey ham with a cute koala pick, Babybel cheese and a koala cookie.

Sheep! I bought Swiss cheese just for this lunch and wouldn't you know there wasn't a single hole in the entire package! Top tier holds raisins, Snapea Crisps and a ham & cheese sandwich. On the bottom is broccoli (I barely cooked it in the microwave so it wasn't completely raw), grapes and a container with trail mix.

This was *supposed* to be a purple-themed lunch in this purple Lego box, but DD freaked when she saw me get out grape jelly instead of her favorite PB/honey. Then, I couldn't find the blueberry applesauce I thought we had, so I had to put in plain (and it's crooked!). Purple grapes and blackberries, plus a  mini Lego box with two itty bitty cookies.

PIP your cute lunches here and have a great weekend!

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