TTC after 35

Back on the horse

I wanted thank many of you for your kinds words after my IUI procedure didn't take earlier this week. It sucked. But what I found so strange - was less than 24 hours later, there I was walking right back in to the RE's office and saying, "Let's go again". As if the nightly injections, multiple US, crazy mood swings, the bloating, the aches, the bruises, feeling so tired you just want to sleep for days were nothing. 

It was at this point that I decided, I'm sort of a badass :)

We all are - we push through month after month, year after year - suffering losses, missed ovulations, basically trying to do what seems so easy for others - but nope. Not for me. Not for us. Not for badasses.

I have a strange renewed strength. And last night, I got back on the horse and started again. 

Thanks again and happy weekend,




Me 42, DH 38 ; Married Oct 2004 ; TTC since 2008

MC#1 8/09 @ 10 wks. MC#2 11/10 @ 8 wks. MC#3 7/11 @ 7 wks.

IUI #1 3/31/13 (R: 21, 18, 16 / L: 0) -- 2WW ends 4/14/13  / Early AF 4/10/13

Start IUI#2 Cycle 4/11/13 

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