TTC after 35

4 mature follicle IUI scheduled for Sunday

TTC = 24+ months

 DH = 41 years old suffers from Varicocle which resulted to a low semen count and 30% mobility

Myself = 36 years old two fibroids that appears to within the uterine lining.

 My DH and I have been TTC for over 2 years. We made 3 IUI attempts (150 Clomid with injectables) with an average of two mature follicles with post-wash counts of 7M, 4M and less than 1/2M with no success. Prior to moving onto IVF (Insurance has amazing benefits for IUI none for IVF.. HATE THAT) we decided to get a consult with another fertility doctor in town. The new doctor seemed concerned that there had not been more efforts made through the current Urologist to assist with male factor issues. He did not feel that we should move onto IVF without attempting treatment. DH has now taken Clomid in addition to an estrogen blocker for 3+ months and we are making our fourth attempt at IUI. DH last full count was 50M (highest it?s ever been although mobility was still at 30%) and US today showed 4 mature follicles 22mm, 19mm, 19mm and 17mm. We are scheduled to trigger this evening with IUI scheduled for Sunday morning. They have generally had him abstain 3-4 days however they have suggested this round he abstain 2 days. This new doctor is so hopeful I will get my BFP this cycle and although things appear to look better than they have any other cycle I am terrified to let my mind go there fearing his post-wash numbers will return low again. I was just curious if anyone had any success rates with IUI (50MG Femara 150IU Follistim) in a similar situation? Hoping for a successful IUI and all the babydust I can get my hands around!!

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