3rd Trimester

Too Easy ??

I'm 33 weeks into my first pregnancy and during my whole pregnancy I've felt like its been way too easy for me. I'm just a regular 29yr old woman, nothing about me is in shape. I consider myself healthy, but in no way a health nut when it comes to diet or exercise or lack there of.

I don't like pain or being uncomfortable and am one who many would say could complain about any and everything. I expected and antcipated pregnancy to be super hard for me, expecting to have all the symptoms that I've read and heard about. From back pains to swollen feet, to just unbearable discomfort but nothing. I've felt great. I know I shouldn't complain but it almost makes me more nervous that I don't suffer from the things that so many do. My doctors say everything looks and sounds good and I should be happy it's been so easy.

As we get closer to our due date I'm just waiting to feel that terrible discomfort that so many talk about, is it weird that I feel like that would make me feel better ? Any one else out there having it easy ??
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