3rd Trimester

make contractions stronger?

I had been having contractions starting last night and intense pelvic pressure. Called dr and she told me to come in.. hooked me up to the baby monitor and i was having contractions 5 to 7 min apart only lasting 20 to 30 seconds though. She then did a pelvic exam and I had went from 3 cm to 5!! She gave me the option of going ahead to the hospital to get relief for the pain and to be monitored there or I could go home and wait it out til contractions get stronger and closer together. I decided to come home! What can I do to make the contractions stronger? I have a yoga ball that I have been bouncing on. Any advice? Dr said she doesnt think im going to walk around for days at 5cm and in early labor, but theres no hurt in trying to speed things up myself!
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