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Your latest impulse buy?

Went to Home Depot, to look for baby room colors.. Saw a nice 10x12 rug for like 200, supposedly... but the sign that said "Starting from 200" was covered up by another rug. The rug ended up being 299, with the associate being a totally snarky douche bag. Which in turn, made me a snarky douche bag. I said no forget it, I don't want it for this price it's a little too much, and walked away. After the Wife scolded me about getting too angry so fast, I defended myself by saying he works in a customer based business and needs to have more patience with customers. We ran into the same associate later, who must have heard my gripe and said look, the best I can do on that rug is 250. Win. Got the rug for 270, instead of 350-ish after tax. 
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