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I need a man's input

Hi.  I am almost 38, and I found out I was pregnant with #3.  I have a 4yo and 2yo.  My husband never wanted kids, but b/c he loved me, he agreed to our 2 planned pregnancies.  He has had a rough time with things(demands of raising kids) since #2 arrived, and he ended up filing for divorce in Feb.  When he told me about the divorce, I was devastated that night, and I forgot to take my BCP.  He realized a week later, that it would be horrible to live apart and break up our family, so he decided not to go through with the divorce.  Now, a few weeks later, I find out I am pregnant.  He does not want the baby.  He says it is over if I go through with the pregnancy.  I don't want my kids to grow up w/o a father, but I never thought I could end a pregnancy.  I am such a mess right now.  I am 7weeks pregnant.  I feel it is unfair and selfish of me to ask him to be a father to a 3rd child.  If a man files for divorce and then changes his mind, do you think he will eventually leave anyways a few years down the road?  If I knew he wouldn't stick around even with just the 2 kids, then I would go through with having a 3rd. 
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