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Rough Day Yesterday - Vent

Our boy is 10 days old now and doing well.  We've been home since Friday.  In the hospital he had a perfect latch and was doing great with BF but at out checkup at the doc he hadn't gained any weight since discharge so they had the wife BF and then weigh him again, no change.  Wow, that sucked. 

I felt so bad for my wife who has loved every minute of BF but we were told to start supplementing with formula.  We did and it is going great but he had major nipple confusion yesterday and it was very frustrating for wife and boy when trying to BF, lots of tears on everyone's part, including mine.  Its so hard to watch them struggling like that. 

I started to worry about PPD so we had the talk last night, more tears for both of us but in the end she felt much better and was much more relaxed.  She has been pumping to increase production and it seems to be helping somewhat.  Later that night he even took to BF again.  These past few days have been nuts, just trying to do everything and let my wife heal from the c-section and get more energy. 

They tell you that the first months are crazy but nothing can really prepare you for the reality.  Luckily we have lots of love and communication, I can't imagine what it must be like in failing or struggling relationships.  Wow, I feel better now...

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