TTC after 35


Hey Ladies!


I'm Adrienne. Not new to the bump, but new to this particular board. I found the bump when I had my DS, Jack. I was 33 and had been  TTGP for a year before conceiving him.


DH and I are now ready to try for #2. I don't have any reason to necessarily believe I will have TTTC, but at 35 and knowing how long it took the first time, you never can tell! I've been lurking on TB and found that the ladies on this board are much more supportive and less snarky than on the general TTGP boards so I thought I'd post here (even though I hate admitting to be "35+"! lol)


It's a long story, but I had been pretty erratic with my BC pills and then quit taking them, so I'm waiting for my first period off the pills. Plannig to start temping in the morning to get a baseline. Looking forward to sharing my journey with you all!



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