Third-Party Reproduction

Random fun GTKY

I posted a GTKY last week on the IFV board and it was fun seeing the responses. It seems kind of slow over here today so I figured I'd post something similar here too! Lots of new people to get to know!

Feel free to reply even if you're a lurker just barely dipping your toes into the TPR waters. :)

Where are you from?

Are you using, used, or thinking about using donor sperm, egg, both, embryo, GC, or are you a GC?

Describe the shoes you have on RIGHT NOW. If no shoes now, what shoes are you going to put on next?

What is the most adrenaline-rushing activity you've ever partaken in?

What is your favorite smell/scent?

What is your favorite lunch meat?

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Do you like your handwriting? 


Go. :) 

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