TTC after 35

Laparoscopy & hysteroscopy complete

I'm recovering from a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy that I had yesterday.  The surgeries went well and my recovery has been more painless than I expected.  My DH said the RE told him they removed the scar tissue that we knew about from the HSG and SHG, but also removed scar tissue that was pulling the top of my uterus into a u-shape, so he had to implant an IUD to keep the walls apart during healing. I'm also wearing an estrogen patch to help with the healing of the uterine wall.  The RE found and removed some endo, polyps and fibroids we didn't know about in advance.  My post-op is on Monday, but I'm curious about the next steps.  For one thing, I'd like to know when and how the IUD will come out.  Has anyone had an experience like mine?  If so, what were your next steps?
Me: 36; DH: 34, low morph; ttc 1st since 11/2011; good FSH, AMH, estrogen & progesterone; follicle growth series show natural ovulation; hysterosalpingogram shows open tubes but multiple filling defects that appear to be polyps or scar tissue on one side of the uterine wall; hsg: 3/2013: scar tissue/IUA; hysteroscopy scheduled for 4/9/13
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