TTC after 35

intro & :(

So, I'm rather new to the boards and wanted to introduce myself.

My DH & I have been TTC since 2008 and along the way we have had 3 early MCs. I have started and stopped with my RE twice - due to outside issues but we're finally ready to get back in and do this thing! 

I started my first IUI cycle last month and on 3/31/13 (Easter / Passover, of course) I had my 1st IUI procedure. I've been crossing my fingers during the 2WW and was due to test this weekend - unfortunately, my AF arrived today (6 days early) so tomorrow I go back to the RE and start all over again. 

I'm getting better with the crying. Just in small bursts - but I have to keep moving forward. I don't really share a lot of personal 'stuff' with friends and family - only about 4 people outside of my DH know what has happened or is happening with our attempts to start a family so I my be slow to share on the boards but I'm glad to have found a place to come to.

Wishing you all success and I'll let you know how this one goes.





Me 42, DH 38 ; Married Oct 2004 ; TTC since 2008

MC#1 8/09 @ 10 wks. MC#2 11/10 @ 8 wks. MC#3 7/11 @ 7 wks.

IUI #1 3/31/13 (R: 21, 18, 16 / L: 0) -- 2WW ends 4/14/13 (fingers crossed)

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