
I want to rein in my primadonna

She is nearly 4.  Definitely a pretty little girlygirl.  Dresses herself coordinating everything.  She actually does a fantastic job pulling together cute outfits with colors/patterns... I am very impressed. 

My concern is she is so obsessed with "what everyone will think."  THis morning her quote: "Mom, I am prettier and fancier than all my friends and all of their friends, too."  She constantly asks if she looks beautiful, a princess or whatever. 

We do compliment her at times on looking pretty, but 300 times more, we focus on narrating things they do "Oh look- both your shirt and skirt have green on them, " and even more we focus on kindness.  I am trying to say "Yes, you look pretty, but more importantly..."  or " I'm sure you'll friends will notice ____, but how you act.... 

It is getting to be too much.  If it is WHO she is, I can lighten up, but I do NOT want to continue down a road where she can't have a thought without wondering what everyone will think... I don't know.   thoughts on this obsession?

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