TTC after 35

IVF # 1 we have been stimming for 9 days

and I went back to the Dr this AM, and we only saw 3 follicles and a few smaller ones on the left side.  The head DR there gave me the impression it is not worth doing a retrival for IVF because he feels we need at least 6 follicles. They cannot see my Right ovary so we have no idea what is going on there.

Talk about feeling crushed when I left the Dr this am. After 9 IUI's and 2 failed pregnancies, we hoped IVF would be good for us.  I am feeling "old" today, my 38 years old ovaries are not responding well.  Need some words of encouragement please.  I just dont know if we should move forward with IVF or not.  Advice ?  Thank you !!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers
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