TTC after 35

RE & geneticist appointments yesterday

I've been really nervous ladies, but I wanted to learn more before talking about it. 

The chromosomal blood study that my OB ordered found that I have a mosaic X chromosome condition that could be the cause of our miscarriages.  It was something my OB had never seen (which made it sound very rare & scary) and she referred me to meet with a geneticist before meeting with the RE.  So, after excessive internet research (why do we do this to ourselves!?!), I went into yesterday's appointment thinking the worst.  The geneticist explained things so much better than my OB had and it's not as scary as it sounds.  She did recommend that we do CVS or amnio if we are successful in achieving pregnancy naturally again and also suggested IVF with PGS or donor eggs as a way to mitigate any risk associated with my condition.

We then met with the RE and it was so helpful.   He was even less concerned with my chromosomal issue and thinks the age of my eggs is the bigger concern.   He laid out the ART treatment options detailing their associated success rates along with their costs.  It helped so much to see it on paper like that.  My husband hasn't really been open to the idea of donor eggs but after seeing the dramatic increase in success rates he's now more receptive to the idea.  

We learned that my husband's insurance has much better fertility coverage than mine, so we're investigating placing me on his plan.   In the mean time, we plan to try naturally again at least once and then revisit our options.  The RE said I only have to wait one cycle, so with my next period we're going to do 3 day blood work & HSG to rule out any other concerns and then we're back to TTC.  After 3 weeks of bleeding, multiple ultrasounds and my OB's prediction that I'd have to have another D&C after all, I also learned yesterday that everything has finally passed. It feels so nice to be on the path forward again! 

That's my update.  If you've made it to the end of this, you deserve a chocolate break!

Me-39, Hubby-39. 1st BFP-8/17/12. Miscarriage @ 8 weeks. 2nd BFP-2/13/13. Due October 2013
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