TTC after 35

No IUI this month--too many cysts from last treatment!

We ended up doing TI instead of IUI on the 25th & then I started bleeding 12 days later so obviously we were unsuccessful. My routine Day 3 labs & ultrasound showed 4 remaining cysts: 1 at 40mm, 2 at 39mm, 1 32mm so we can't do the follistim this month.  My question is, what do you think about the cyst issues?   Now I'm worrying about the long term effects of these drugs on my/our bodies...... & if I'm not getting pregnant with very "accurate" TI, should we skip IUI completely & just go to IVF?   These rest cycles are wasting our precious time & now I really feel time slipping away...  I'm SO stressed out!!


Me: 42, DH: 43. We are so grateful to have a 2yr old daughter, conceived naturally after 3 miscarriages & no treatments (our Dr. gave us 1 more month to try on our own before advacing to IVF, & we conceived her naturally in January 2010)! Trying since April 2011 without sucess....MD said we were both "fine" & that if it wasn't happening, it was a chromosomal issue. Finally started Follistim 225mcg injections with an Ovidrel trigger November 2012. Bleeding 11 days post Ovidrel on November 25th. Starting the whole lab/Ultrasound/Follistim cycle again on November 27th...
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