3rd Trimester

40 weeks, 3 days - had my membranes stripped yesterday....

Hey there. Im 40 weeks, 3 days, 3 cm dilated (she said i stretch to almost a 4) and cervix is soft and had my membranes stripped yesterday at my appt - midwife said i lost a ton of mucus and had some bloody show as soon as she was finished, Insantly after I started cramping and felt a little excited from that - well i was cramping and having random contractions all day yesterday but by the time i went to bed it had all pretty much faded. Woke up today with nothing :( Still loosing little pieces of plus tinged with a little blood but that has pretty much subsided as well.

My question is who here had their membranes stripped around their due date and had their symptoms stop but still ended up in labor within the 48 hours? anyone? My hopes have fallen since the cramping and contractions stopped but i do not want to be induced or have to wait until 41 1/2 weeks to be induced either. Sorry for the little rant :)

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