3rd Trimester

Forgotten pregnancy

I have been put into a situation and I'm not too sure how to react, so any advice or input woul be greatly appreciated.

I am just entering my third trimester of my first pregnancy and we could not be happier.

For the last 5 years we have many things happen on both sides of our family parents surviving cancer and major surgeries, family members in major car accidents, big family moves and we have been the "go to" kids of both sides of the family. We are very family orientated and are proud to be able to step up. Unfortunately this has also caused us to put our life plans on hold and whatever big steps we take have to be strategically timed and left to our own vices with very little help or support.
My older brother and his wife had a baby last year when they lived over seas and although it took them sometime to conceive and expressed their struggles with the family, we didn't think the timing was appropriate for us to try. My brother received the drama gene in the family and would have been devastated so being the good sister we decided to wait. Baby is now almost 2 and me being in my early thirties decided we would not do anything to prevent getting pregnant and no word of a lie 20 mins later I was pregnant.
We waited until I was 3.5 months to tell everyone and family was really excited except my brother and his wife, you could tell that they were dissappointed or annoyed. I was heartbroken but decided I can't put my life on hold and have moved on but minimizing contact as its just negative energy that me and baby don't need.
That have just announce that they are pregnant again and as they have had such a hard time conceiving that this is miracle baby number 2. I am truly happy for them as children and having a family is such a blessing but the reaction from the family is sooooo over the top that my first pregnancy has miraculously been forgotten and immediate family are making plans to visit and help during the time our baby is due. I'm absolutely heartbroken and regardless of having a big family, these are my parents and I am the only girl.

By all means this post is not to come across as jealous or malicious but my feelings are so hurt that we have sacrificed so much for them to be happy and not steal anyone's thunder and now me, hubby and peanut are no longer considered in anyone's plans.

Has anyone had a similar situation and if so, any advice or copin techniques ?
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