TTC after 35

Really into it now....

Ok Ladies, I just wanted to share this! Firstly, thank you all so much for your posts and words of inspiration and knowledge! I am learning SO MUCH from being a part of this board!

So I am in the 2WW from my last ovulation cycle. The good news is, I REALLY feel like I'm on the right track now, thanks to your info. I got my BBT thermometer about a month ago, and I have faithful with it. I got my Wondfo Combo pack from Well, doing those tests and taking my BBT daily and charting using my FF mobile app, I got my first confirmed ovulation!

Even if I get a BFN - which will still be disappointing as heck - I feel better knowing I'm totally on the right track now. My only question now, is when should I try to see a RE? We've been officially TTC since 06/12. However, he worked overseas the majority of the year, so we only had 3 cycles last year and 3 so far this year (he's home permanently now, so we're good each month).

I had 4 children before (from age 23 until my last at 30), basically no problems at all...getting older is a trip, isn't it? lol

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