
Can't Calm Down

DD just turned 4 and sometimes she gets herself so upset over the silliest of things (this morning there were bumps on her tights for ballet).  The fact that she's flipping out is I'm sure just her being 4, but I'm concerend about how long it takes her to calm herself down. 

After DH/I stopping what we're doing and sitting with her and forcing her to breathe, and giving her hugs and kisses, it still takes 5-10 minutes till she's stopped crying  and breathing normally again. 

Anyone else experience this - is it just typical 4 year old behavior, like the temper tantrums?  It's not like I'm waking her up and she's still tired, it's like she comes into our room in teh morning like a crazy person - very upset and just screams and cries and just can't get herself to calm down.  Could it be she's just going through a growth spurt and is really really hungry?  Sometimes she acts this way when she's hungry too.

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