Third-Party Reproduction

just wondering

Well this 2ww is driving me batty.  I wondered if anyone who did a day 3 embryo transfer with 6 and 7 celled embros had any luck.  I know the embryos are not the best and besides the side effects from the progesterone shots I am feeling normal.  Its way to early to test and I guess nerves are now getting to me. Four days post transfer that means ten more days to go!!!!!!!!!!! I hear everyone else talking about craps, twinges, and other signs.  Me nothing my body is even starting to get adjusted to the progesterone shot and no where near as soar.  I am trying to be positive but I am a control freak and I have no control here at all ......
Married since 2004 Primary POF Foster parent but have no had an adoption trying embryo adoption Just want a forever baby RE jacksonville FL FIRM
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