
Preschool Input/Advice/Suggestions

DD's bday is Sept 2. This year she attended a 5 day a week M-F 9-12 3's class. Her social skills have really blossomed as well as her academics and motor skills. A huge 180 from September when she started.

My dilemma is we are moving and based on her bday she will have two more years of preschool before she can attend kinder. I have a few options and I need advice.

1) Based on her age she will repeat a 3's class again and she can attend the one in our local community school that will be within walking distance. The class is 2 days a week for 3 hours. The cost is reasonable and I could walk her to school.

-Plus: She would be able to continue on with the same kid to the 4's class the following year. Would be one of the older kids. No driving.

2) Attend a 3's program that is at a neighboring private school. The drive is 20 minutes, the cost is 3 times what I would pay at option 1. The school day is 4hrs a day 5 days a week. 

-Plus I could complete my contract work during her school day rather than trying to fit it in at night (although it is very manageable to finish 2-5hrs a week at night), she could continue on a same schedule. I plan on having her attend kinder at the private school so she could already be use to the school.

3) Attend 3's at community center then transfer for 4's to prep for kinder.


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