Third-Party Reproduction

Donor picked!

So, after lots of crazy the past 3 weeks with a crappy SA, denied 2 high-quality embryo guarantee and endometritis, the stars finally aligned.   DH had a much better repeat SA, we were approved for the guarantee, and we found a donor we really like.  She pretty much meets everything we are looking for (with the exception of eye color), BUT this will be her first cycle.  I really wanted a proven donor, but DH and I thought she was such a good fit for our family that we decided to take a chance.  I'm worried about her being unproven, but feel some comfort in knowing that we'll have the guarantee to fall back on.  It's funny -- she resembles me in MANY respects, but I was kind of hoping for a "better" me!  Ha!

Today was a whirlwind with picking the donor and sending in paperwork...I start Lupron tomorrow!   If all goes well, we're looking at a transfer right around the second week of May.  Scary!

043_zps1fe83f13 Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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