TTC after 35

intro and in need of some support

i feel like this is where i belong most.  i have read some of the other boards but nothing is the same as support and insight from women of our age.  so let me introduce myself.  im 37 soon to be 38 and ttc #3.  Our oldest is 16 and youngest is 8.

We decided in january to try for one more.  We joke that we will have one in college and one in diapers.  We did get pregnant right away but unfortunately we lost that baby at 7w.  This was my first loss and it put alot into perspective.   Im almost 38 and it isnt going to be as easy as we thought.

Just got first AF since MC and i feel like im on a mission now.  I have read that at my age i have a 10% each month to get pregnant.  If im not on top of my cycle and know when im ovulating i could miss my chance.  My dilema is everyone keeps saying to relax and it will happen when it will happen. 

I think about it all the time.  I've already warned my husband that we will be doing the BD every other day just in case.  Realistically i am expecting it to take a year.  I hope it is less but i dont want to get my hopes up. 

Does the pressure of TTC diminish the longer it takes.  I cant even imaging having this on my mind every second of every day like it is now for a year or more.

I know im rambling so i will stop now.  i thank you all for being here for me.

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