TTC after 35

First cycle with injectables

Just turned 42.  I had a naturally conceived pregnancy last year that miscarried at 10 weeks (triploidy).  We have been TTC since that time without luck.  Finally, decided to go to an REI.  I had one cycle with Clomid- only two small follicles (10, 14 mm).  Endo stripe was 4mm, so they considered this a poor response.  AF came early on CD 20 (no LH surger was ever noted).  Strange for me- as I usually ovulate on my own. 

Started first cycle of Bravelle 375mg daily- going in for CD7 u/s tomorrow.  Planning IUI if I respond well.  Other than bloating, I haven't noticed any side effects from the Bravelle.  It seems like a big dose!

Has anyone else ever been on a dose this big? 


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