3rd Trimester

Hand me downs rant

I know this sounds completely rude and ungrateful but I just have to say I am so tired of getting crappy hand me downs!!!! I'm talking about worn out clothes, stained clothes etc. I'm not even sure if a thrift store would accept them! It feels like people are just giving us their garbage. 

When I give hand me downs I always make sure they are clean, washed and folded and the correct season (and still fashionable;). We had this "problem" with DD and now that we are expecting DS we are having the same issue. We can provide for our children no problem so it's not like we are desperate for clothes.  Anyone else have this problem?

Thank you, rant over!  

*Edit* I've never actually been asked if I would like/need any items, people just seem to bring a bag or box and say "here you go". I didn't even know people normally asked!!! lol Good point though, I would definitely decline if asked.  

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