Third-Party Reproduction


Well I am officially part of the 2ww.  It was an insane morning.  My appt was at 9:30 whem I got there my doctor was at other office.  They said the other could do it but he was stuck in traffic because of the rain.  At this point I was frusrated and kinda mad.  Well I was told empty my blatter and come back at 1:15.  They did tell me at this point we lost the 3 call embryo.  So I had 2 left a 6 cell and a 7 cell. 

At 1:15 my RE comes in and didn't even know I was misscheduled.  Well anyway the transfer was completed.  He said the placement went well, so now I wait.  24 hours and life can go back to normal for a little bit. 

I am now done with the RE.  If it works I follow up with OBGYN if not we can look for another donor embryo.  They sent the order for a pregnancy test on the 15th and again on the 17th.  I continue with meds until told to stop.


Married since 2004 Primary POF Foster parent but have no had an adoption trying embryo adoption Just want a forever baby RE jacksonville FL FIRM
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